Thursday, March 6, 2008

Success Network Conference Call - March 8, 1:00pm EST

Numerous clients from the recent Cash Machine Workshop in Dallas, TX enrolled to listen to Paul Lawrence Vann provide insight on receiving over $100,000 in "FREE" publicity through targeted radio interviews.

The fact of the matter is, when you are interviewed on the radio you become an expert in your market and industry. In other words, if the media is going to call someone it will be the person with radio interview experience, skills, and subject matter expertise.

I attribute my success to radio interviews, in 2007 I was interviewed by over 100radio stations throughout the U.S. and Canada. The individials that enrolled in my Success Network Conference Call are in for a treat because they will learn how to give the media what they're looking for because I will provide them with "insider secrets" to take them to the next level of their greatness.

You'll have an opportunity to listen in on the Success Network Conference Call, simply prompt on the "BUY NOW" icon located on the upper right side of this blog and become a media star, watch your business grow through high impact lead generation.

Paul Lawrence Vann
Host, Success Network Radio
(800) 476-8976

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